2022: Wellness Resolutions You Can Keep

January 1, 2022
Posted in Blog
January 1, 2022 TouchCare Team

How often have you made a New Year’s resolution but failed to follow through? Well, you’re definitely not alone, research shows that less than 8% accomplish their yearly goals. And if there’s anything we’ve learned during pandemic times, it’s that taking our health for granted is no longer an option, and making lifestyle changes to elevate both our physical and mental health is essential. We’re uncovering tips & wellness resolutions to prioritize your health in 2022 and beyond! 

Let’s start off with some strategies to make your resolutions stick!

Start with the why. Take some time and ask yourself why you want to make this change. Are you creating a resolution for yourself or based on what others expect of you? Making a change that is truly meaningful to you will further encourage you to reach your yearly goal rather than a resolution that you’ve come up with on a whim or because of the influence of someone else. 

Make it specific. Make sure your goal is concrete. Rather than just thinking “I want to work out more this year”, you have to get more specific in order to realistically track and attain your goals. 

For example, “By next week, I plan to sign up for a gym and go three times a week for at least 45 minutes in the next month”.

But allow for flexibility. Maybe you weren’t able to go to the gym three times a week last week as you planned, and that’s OK. Don’t be too hard on yourself, achieving your goal is an ongoing process and requires patience. Plans change, life happens, but you can adjust accordingly and still stay on the right path.

Make it achievable. Make a list of resolutions that are realistic and achievable. Don’t overwhelm yourself with 15 new changes you plan on making, instead, start off gradually with one to just a few goals. This allows you to see the progress which encourages you to keep going, maintain focus and follow-through. 

Get organized. Stay on track by writing your goals down and tracking them regularly in a personal planner that helps you stay on top of your goals. Write down your goals, write down the steps you’re taking to achieve them, and track them regularly. Check out some top-rated planners here.

Whether you’re trying to get fit, eat healthier, save money, meditate more, or even quit smoking, there are also several apps that can support your New Year’s resolutions. 

Reward yourself. Did you hit the gym three times this week? Treat yourself to a nice dinner! Create milestones for yourself and reward yourself when you hit them. This adds a bit of fun to the process and allows you to see your progress more tangibly. 

Need some inspiration for a healthy 2022? Check out some ideas here:

Looking to eat healthier? Make it fun! Go to your local farmers market for local produce and try out a new recipe you haven’t tried before. Try cooking a new recipe each week, and check out this list of top cookbooks for some inspiration. You can also check out these useful apps to help you meal prep throughout the week!

Prioritize more sleep. Our overall health both mentally and physically is heavily tied to our quality of sleep. 7-9 hours of sleep is the recommended amount for the average adult, any less than that can lead to sleep deprivation which can put us at risk of diabetes, depression, hypertension, and more. Learn more about how to improve your quality here

Looking to maintain your health? Stay accountable with your health goals by scheduling annual check-ups and screenings. Preventive and primary care is important and helps manage your day-to-day health needs and prevent illnesses down the line. 

If you’re considering making lifestyle changes like a change in diet, it gives you the opportunity to talk to your doctor and ensure that these modifications are right for you. Whether it’s finding a high-quality medical provider, scheduling an annual physical, or cost comparisons for medical services, our expert Health Assistants take care of it for you, click here to get in touch! 

Don’t overlook your mental health. With the uncertainty of the pandemic landscape and several other factors, staying grounded is essential to both our physical and mental wellbeing. Practicing mindfulness can help you manage your stress levels and bring stability. There are so many great meditation apps you can utilize to unwind and you can also contact our Health Assistants if you’re interested in therapy services.

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